New Dallas Pet Sitting Services in the Time of Covid - Park Cities Pet Sitter, Inc

In March of 2020 when much of the United States began shutting down due to the Corona virus, it was hard to predict how that would change the business activities of a Dallas pet sitting company like Park Cities Pet Sitter.

We saw many people begin to work from home, cancel both business and personal travel plans and begin new social distancing guidelines.  The number of daily dog walks our Dallas dog walkers performed was cut down dramatically, because with most family members “stuck” at home, people were actually fighting over who got to walk the family dog now.

Many who still did need dog walking and pet sitting services in Dallas were rightfully more concerned about the safety protocols our pet professionals were following because we would be coming inside their home—and a pandemic was raging outside.

Six months later, we are glad to say that Park Cities Pet Sitter has found a “new normal,” and are expanding some of our service offerings to include some new requests we have received as of late.

While PCPSI has always done house checks for people that need mail and package pickup, lawn watering and other general house care; and onboarded new clients in a short period of time when needed, we have received numerous requests for such services due to unexpected emergencies people are experiencing this year.

These emergencies have run the gamut including being unexpectedly stranded due to quarantine issues and unanticipated hospital stays.  In these types of emergencies, people have needed both immediate home and pet care, and had no one to turn to that they could trust.  Rightfully, many people referred them to Park Cities Pet Sitter!  As the most experienced team of Dallas pet sitters and house sitters, we jumped through numerous hoops to help these folks get keys to us, and to learn about what care services they needed—often during some of the most stressful times of their lives.

That is just in the job description for pet professionals like us.  There are so many reasons people hire us and use our services, but it is our willingness to help in emergencies that makes so many of our clients, LIFETIME clients.

So as the pandemic continues, give some thought as to how you or friends, family and coworkers would handle some of the situations below—and then give Park Cities Pet Sitter’s team of Dallas pet sitters, dog walkers and house sitters a call.

  • Ever been locked out of your home without a key? If you are a PCPSI client, we can get the key we have on file with you to your home, and let you back in for just $45.  Much cheaper than a locksmith.
  • Have an unexpected hospital stay and need immediate pet or home care? Call us, and we can take care of both, for as long as you need us.
  • Need someone to manage pet and home needs while you are away, but are concerned about having “just anyone” in your home? Hire us!  Why?  First, because we are bonded and insured.  Second, we have carefully screened all of our employees–they have all passed background checks, we have checked their references and they have all gone through comprehensive training.  Third, we have our own Covid safety protocols, and are happy to jump through any additional measures you would like us to in order for you to feel safe when we come to your home.

If we have learned anything in 2020, it is to expect the unexpected!  So if you or someone you care about is concerned about the possibility of needing immediate pet or home care, call us and we will onboard you as a client for just $25.  We will walk your premises to make sure we know where all important home care items or animals may be, get your key to keep it on file and keep detailed notes in our online system as to your needs.  It is a tiny price to pay for peace of mind.