The Best Dallas Pet Sitters & the Upcoming Holidays - Park Cities Pet Sitter, Inc

While most people use the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holidays to relax, make great meals, and reconnect with friends and family, the staff of Park Cities Pet Sitter—arguably the best pet sitters in Dallas—are ramping up for a marathon of pet and home visits.

The last full week of November kicks off the high-volume six-week period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, which is a Dallas pet sitters’ busiest time of year.  Sitters can often take on 2-3x their normal daily volume of visits during that time, which makes it one of the more lucrative times a year for pet sitters as well.  But the downside is that your personal Dallas pet sitter doesn’t get to spend those holidays with their loved ones; or if their families are in in town, your pet sitter can likely only make limited appearances at holiday events.

We aren’t bringing this fact up for sympathy.  Every Dallas pet sitter knows that there are great things about getting to interact with pets every day, but that sometimes they will also need to sacrifice or modify their personal plans for the job.  It is something that we highlight very clearly during our hiring process in order to set the right expectations and so that we can have the right staffing levels during these busy periods.

In addition, we have always been “glass is half full” thinkers.  We try to highlight to our staff that we are fortunate to be ABLE to provide the service that we do, because we get to facilitate a great gift for our clients—the gift of them being able to spend time with their friends and loved ones–because we give them the peace of mind that the furry family they may have left behind is well cared for.  This year, especially, we realize what a beautiful gift it is to do what we do.

We believe that most of the Dallas pet sitters on our staff also choose to look at the many positives they experience because they ARE working during the holidays.  Why?  Because once they have worked a couple of holidays with our team, they see how the holidays really can bring out the best in people.  We can honestly say with pride that Park Cities Pet Sitter has some of the best customers in the entire world.  Our sitters regular come to us sharing the heartfelt thing our clients do for them—like being given warm handwritten thank you notes for their service during the holidays, holiday cards, generous tips, incredibly tasty baked goods, and even bottles of wine or cider—simply because our clients recognize what their sitter may be giving up to care for their pets and homes.

While such gifts are never guaranteed or expected, they can really help a sitter get through the busy holiday with a smile on their face—because who doesn’t want to feel recognized and appreciated for what they do?  This IS the time of year to recognize and appreciate those who help make your life just a little easier, so take a moment to think about who those people are in your life..

So on that note, this blog is an early THANK YOU present from Dallas’ best pet sitters to our AMAZING CLIENTS.  It has been one of the toughest years in our 28-year company history, but we know we will make it through because our clients have been so loyal to us over these years.  We thank you for the many wonderful gestures, the laughter, and friendships you have given us over the years; we are so grateful to have you as members of our Park Cities Pet Sitter family.  Cheers to you this year.