Dallas Winter Storm Watch: Practical Pet Care Recommendations - Park Cities Pet Sitter, Inc

A winter storm watch for the Dallas-Fort Worth area has been issued as temperatures plunge below freezing. Because significant snow accumulation is expected this week, Park Cities Pet Sitters is preparing for service cancellations, possible school closures, and more. Yet, winter storms like the one expected to affect the Dallas Metroplex don’t just impact school and work schedules; they can significantly impact our pets. Here, I’m sharing Dallas Winter Storm Watch: Practical Pet Care Recommendations!

Weather’s Impact on Animal Behavior

dog in dallas on snowy dayAs most pet lovers have seen at one time or another, animals are remarkably sensitive to meteorological shifts. Changes in barometric pressure can trigger uneasiness, fear, and related behavior changes.

While we’re currently bracing for a winter storm, which is significantly different from summer thunderstorms, you may notice the following changes in your pet’s demeanor:

  • Some animals become agitated while others become lethargic due to pressure changes
  • Some animals may become overexcited because of changes to the environment, including snowfall
  • Many pets will refuse to go outside due to precipitation, extreme temperatures, or both

Health and Safety Considerations

cat outside of home in dallas texas during snowy weatherWith temperatures hovering near and below freezing, Dallas Metro pet owners should take the following precautions:

  • Bring and keep pets inside
  • Limit outdoor exposure, especially during extremely cold periods
  • Watch for signs of discomfort or distress when outdoors for potty breaks
  • Provide warm, dry shelter, especially for community cats that cannot be brought inside
  • Monitor for potential respiratory issues, as prolonged cold exposure can lead to inflammation, especially in dogs
  • Protect extremities and paw pads from ice and ice melting products by using booties or applying a paw balm before heading outdoors

The SPCA put out this warning earlier this week, which includes the following statement:

“The SPCA of Texas never recommends leaving pets outside full time. And it is against the law in the state of Texas to leave your pet outdoors in extreme temperatures without appropriate shelter.”

Dallas Winter Storm Watch: Practical Pet Care Recommendations

snow covered car in Dallas TexasOur pets can suffer from hypothermia and frost bite, just like humans. For this reason, I recommend you follow these tips:

  • Never leave pets in cars during extreme temperatures, they are better off outdoors than locked in a freezing car
  • Dress pets appropriately for cold weather if your pet will allow it
  • Create warm, comfortable indoor spaces
  • Maintain regular exercise routines, adjusting walk time and duration for temperature and weather conditions
  • Wear proper shoes, use no-pull harnesses, and use pet-safe ice melt to keep the areas around your home clear of ice and prevent falls
  • Watch for signs of weather-related stress or discomfort, especially on the extra sensitive body parts like ears, noses, and paws
  • Wipe paws down upon return to remove de-icing chemicals that can make your pet very sick when ingested
  • Check your car before starting it to ensure there are no stray cats, kittens, or wildlife snuggled up in there

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Attentive Care for Dallas Pets

dog walking in snow dallas, texasThis week’s severe weather demands attentive pet care. By understanding how environmental changes affect our furry companions, we can ensure their comfort and well-being during these challenging meteorological conditions. At PCPSI, we work together with pet parents to ensure that both our team and your pets are safe during inclement weather events in the Dallas Metroplex.

Park Cities Pet Sitter proudly provides cat sittingdog sitting, and dog walking services in Bluffview, Deep Ellum, Downtown, Highland Park, Knox Henderson,  Lake Highlands, Lakewood, Lower Greenville, Medical District, North Dallas, Oak Lawn, Northwest Dallas, Northeast Dallas, Old East Dallas, Preston Hollow, Turtle Creek, University Park, Victory Park.

To learn more about our services, please visit our FAQs and contact us at 214-828-0192.  Finally, you may also register via our client portal here. Existing clients, please submit reservations via this link. If you are interested in joining our team as a pet care provider, please click here.

Stay safe out there!